Global Alliance had the Annual Meeting on 15 Oct. 2008 at Santo Domingo, DR, attended
by member centers. Following is the proceeding of the Annual Meeting.
In the Board of Directors this year, application for membership of Singapore was approved first of all. Now the Alliance consists of 11 centers, USA, Japan, France, UK, Dominican Republic, India, South Africa, Argentine, Netherlands, Israel, and Singapore (in order of joining).
The Alliance decided to reinforce its framework for developing activities as an international NGO, including application for registration with the membership of UN NGO.
The members put signature on the Article of Global Alliance respectively, and after the secretariat reported launching of website, it was decided to establish the following committee.
Among those committees, ILC-Japan takes charge of Program Committee, Website Committee, and Technology Committee.
the next day (16th Oct), The Global Alliance held symposium at International Congress
of Geriatrics and Gerontology, attended by The Association of Gerontology and Geriatrics
of Dominican Republic under the following titles:
The first theme: “Living Longer, Working Longer” (presented by Japan, France, UK, Netherlands, and Argentina, respectively) The second theme: “Advancing Geriatric Care” (also by USA, Dominican Republic, India, Israel)
Mr. Morioka, President of ILC-Japan stated in his presentation that older persons in Japan have high intention to work, and 67% of persons aged 60-64 engaged in paid work, in addition to that healthy life expectancy at birth is 72(male), 78(female), respectively and among the highest level in the world. And he also emphasized that since there is close connection between health, joining workforce, and social participation, the key points are consciousness and desire of older persons themselves. Following this, he stated that it is most important for older persons themselves to continue to be an active member lifelong for society and themselves as well.
The Global Alliance Annual Meeting will be taken place on 5-9, July 2009 when IAGG (International Association of Gerontology and Geriatrics) will hold the 19th international conference, taken charge by ILC-France. ILC Global Alliance decided to hold symposium “Aging, A Considerable Achievement for Humanity - The ILC Perspective”
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